15 March, 2010

Awesome site!

Okay, because double nots confuse me, I deleted my original sentence that was correct the 1st time, and rewrote it here. FREE TO USE AS LONG AS its not on a vulgar site or some other site that might be offensive in some way, or illegal. :D SWEET! I am SO USING many of his pics on my site. However, I do not trust me or my silly computer. Thus, the link is going here so that I can post it on my website when I'm ready to.

Here is the confusing post:
Okay, free to use as long as "its not going on a site that is not within keeping of the photographers intent."

Yea, can I say I've got a stupid cold thanks to sister and nephew and my brain is mush?! o_O rofl

I intend to have an exhaustive link page giving credit to all the great sites out there that played a part in my website development. Davidniblack and bytes.com will get top billing, as well as Dunn Bros.! Actually, Dunn Bros will get something no other site will get - free banner ad for a year! I'll just ask them to send me an image they want me to put on my site (after they check out the site) that is of a particular size, and I'll put it there. For free! Can I say that Dunn Bros is the ONLY coffee shop I love? Yep!

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