27 May, 2010

Dr. Who WinAmp Skins

Awesome Dr. Who Skin

This one contains a hidden Tardis, if you can find it. Where it is, is conveniently behind a spoiler tag.  ;)
I rank it:
5***** for Creativity
0* for Assessibility. Mildly Low Vision people are out of luck. But then again, they wouldn't have found the Tardis anyways.
0* for overall size of it. It could be larger!
However, because I absolutely love this, I'm still giving it a 5***** rating, as it's definately worth the download! But, if you need larger keys, then you are better off with the very few WinAmp skins for low vision, as WinAmp has never really gotten very much cool skins for people like you. :( When I finally learn how to Skin a WinAmp, I'm going to try to rectify this, as I would love a great Dr. Who skin with large keys.



If you play music, then
Click on the tiny Dot between "Doctor" and "Who", you'll find the Tardis. Sorry for those with poor hand/eye coordination or low vision, as this one was not made with you in mind. However, if you keep trying, you should get it eventually.

The Level Graphs are shown in the Window.
The "Whats Playing" marquee is where it usually says "Police Public Call Box".
Above that, is the controls, that are equally tiny and hard to use for those with low vision issues.
However, its the right side panel that hosts the Volume control.

So, how do you convert it back from Tardis mode?
Simply click on the light on top of the Tardis.

Too bad it does not show the inside of the Tardis, as that would have been really cool!
I've been meaning to make a Tomorrow People Lab themed WinAmp skin, but I've not yet figured
out how to do that.

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