Global Writers Club Official Off Site Blog
Here, I will post any updates about Global Writers Club and any issues I have. The site won't be ready until next year even though I do have some things up. I keep having computer issues. :P
Crosswords are done! Crossword code Nav
Folders done, but navigation page not done:
Evaporating Books are done, but Japanese order of choices to click on for guesses will change to be a more logical order AFTER I get my new computer.
Evaporating Book Foreign Language Folder
Scrambled Words Done:
Scrambled Words Folder
The word geek games are not done yet. These will be the games meant for those who love to play certain word games in their native tongue.
The look and feel of the site is still being working on.
The "gisted" translation of the site into other languages is only a working file. I hope to have a more correct translation of each of the pages AFTER I get the wording and "look and feel" finalized in English. Grammar will always be bad. However, thats the reason why the site is for vocabulary building, friendship, and story writing and NOT for learning grammar.
My goal: To have the look and feel of ALL the pages fixed by April 1st. Stupid cold and stupid toilet cracking (needed to be replaced) is putting me 2 weeks behind schedule! :P Thus, I'll probably be lucky if I get this done by April 10th!