Flash Cards / Bookmarks

Links to my Flash Card sites to be posted here. These are sites that OTHER people own, that I have an account at.

Flashcard Sites:
Flash Card Exchange

Bookmarking Sites:
Bookmark Tracker Basic.
My HQ My Fave as I can edit the colors to suit MY taste with NO restrictions as to color choices.

Schei"s Japanese Flashcard Down?

I hope to make my own flash cards code soon, that will give me the look and feel I need to learn words faster. I think I'll make the code to have English on one side, and the 8 other target languages on the other side, just for kicks. LOL Then, I'll make several files so that people can have whichever language versus 8 languages they want, including, JP being the one, against UK, DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, PT, RU. Its just a matter of transporting the right files in. Shouldn't be too difficult. The only draw back to that one is that certain RU or DE words are so long, that the card would end up being huge! See "Flannel" (UK) or "Washcloth" (US) in Russian. Okay, I'll put it in for you.
"махровая салфетка для лица". It reads like a phrase. However, according to "The Oxford Russian Dictionary", that is the word they would use officially. Colloquially, I'm sure its a much shorter word. How would you love to have to use the Russian word for "Microwave oven" on a daily basis? Its 24 letters long - сверхвысокочастотная печь. But in its shortened form, its СВЧ-печь. To be fair, once you learn the word, it does roll off the tongue. If you find a word list on my site, I'm pretty sure I put up the wrong word. I meant to use microwave and NOT microwave oven. Its only a difference of 14 letters. LOL